
21 Bryant Avenue, Slough, Berkshire, SL2 1LF

+44 (0) 1753 316048

Start-up Business

Start-up Business

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If you are thinking to start-up a new business then we can be of great help. Our team of experienced and professional staff will guide you every step of the way. We advise our clients the best possible route to start with; either as a limited company or sole trader or partnership.

Our other services in relation to start-up business are as follows:

  • Company Formation & Incorporation
  • Registration for Self-Employment or Partnership
  • Business Bank Account
  • Business cards
  • Payroll procedures
  • Enhancement of existing business and search for new markets
  • Flyers, advertising material
  • Company emails
  • Day to day support
  • You can reach diverse communities in the UK


Start-up Business Plans

We can help you prepare business plans which will be tailored to your business needs and will help you secure the funding to start or grow your business. We can also provide you and your business with different marketing tools which will increase the presence of your business in wider areas around UK. We can help you design a organisational structure which will help you control your business and its finances more efficiently whilst minimising the costs.

Please contact us for more information on start-up a new business.